


Prevalence And Risk Factors for Malaria Parasitaemia in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Primary Health Centres in Keffi, Nigeria.


Tunde-Olatunji OA1, Amos B2, Nkisi-Orji OU1, Onazi O1, Ojurongbe AO1, Alugo VI,Fijabiyi MO4.                


1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Federal Medical Centre Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria; 2Department of Community Medicine and Public Health Care, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Bingham University, karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria; 3Haematology unit, Medical Laboratory Department, Federal Medical Centre,Keffi, Nigeria State, Nigeria; 4College of Clinical Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. 



Background: Malaria is a disease of public health importance especially in the Tropical and the subtropical parts of the world. Though malaria in pregnancy is a preventable and treatable disease, the largest burden of malaria in pregnancy is found in sub-Saharan Africa with the women in pregnancy having greater severe malaria infection as well as associated feto-maternal morbidity and mortality. Early detection of malaria infection in pregnant through microscopy and prompt treatment is thus necessary to avert the detrimental results. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and risk factors of malaria parasitaemia among pregnant women attending booking clinic in Primary Health Care Centres in Keffi, Nigeria. Methodology: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional design carried out between March 1st, 2022, and May 31st, 2022, in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Data was collected using a structured interviewer administered questionnaire, blood sample was taken for blood film microscopy, and these were entered into the statistical package for social sciences (IBM SPSS) version 26 and analyzed. Results: Four hundred and thirty-six pregnant women (436) had complete data of which 333 of them (76.38%) tested positive for malaria parasitaemia. The mean malaria density was 681parasites/uL (2+ of parasite) with the age group 25-29yrs and second trimester having the highest malaria parasitaemia. Those who had no formal education had the lowest malaria parasitaemia. There was no statistical significance between age, gravidity, gestational age at booking, educational level, income, and use of ITNs. Conclusion: Malaria in pregnancy is hyperendemic in Keffi, North Central Nigeria. Due to the severe nature of Malaria in pregnancy and the on towards effect to the mother, fetus and the neonate, there is the need for early booking of pregnant women to identify women who have the parasite, treat accordingly, and prevent malaria as the pregnancy advances. Also, continuous Health Education for women of childbearing age is needed.

Keywords: Malaria Parasitaemia, Pregnancy, Prevalence, Keffi, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author:


Tunde-Olatunji, Olubunmi Abidemi

Fetomaternal unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Federal Medical Centre, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Email :






Tropical and also the subtropical parts of the world have malaria in pregnancy as a serious public health concern.1 Though malaria is a preventable and treatable disease, the largest burden of malaria in pregnancy is found in sub-Saharan Africa with their women in pregnancy having greater severe malaria infection in comparison to those women who are not pregnant and a mortality rate ranging from 1%-50 %.2,3,4

In 2021, approximately 40 million pregnancies occurred across 38 malaria endemic African countries and 13.3million (32%) were exposed to malaria infection during pregnancy. 5 Malaria in pregnancy is recognized as an infection that jeopardizes outcome of pregnancy leading to unfavourable results in and outside pregnancy in the mother, her foetus and the newborn. 6 This includes anaemia in pregnancy, acute pulmonary oedema, renal failure, puerperal sepsis, post-partum haemorrhage, intrauterine fetal growth retardation, preterm delivery, still birth, spontaneous abortion, and low birth weight.7

Female anopheles mosquitoes are ubiquitous in sub-Saharan Africa and transmit plasmodium species which cause malaria. There are 4 major Plasmodium types that cause malaria in man. In Nigeria, 98% of cases of malaria are caused by Plasmodium Falciparum with severe morbidity and mortality.pregnant women are prone to reduced immunity to malaria in pregnancy which increases their susceptibility to malaria infection.

Early detection of malaria infection in pregnant through microscopy and prompt treatment is thus necessary to avert the detrimental results. Testing women at Antenatal booking will help identify those with the malaria parasite and with their prompt treatment, avert adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Also, determination of risk factors for malaria in pregnancy could help prevention of malaria early in pregnancy thereby reducing both the adverse outcomes and the malaria burden. This study aimed to determine the percentage of clinically diagnosed pregnant women with malaria at booking, using microscopy and also determined risk factors in same women.

Materials and Methods

This was a descriptive cross-sectional study among pregnant women booking for antenatal clinic in randomly selected Primary health care centres in Keffi local government area of Nasarawa state, Nigeria from 1st March, 2022 to 31st May 2022. Women that gave consent and met the inclusion criteria were consecutively selected. The exclusion criteria were women who took anti-malarias two weeks before booking and women who are HIV Positive. The sample size was calculated using the Fisher’s formula 9 and a previous study by Fana et al10 that showed the proportion of women with malaria parasitaemia to be 41.5%. An attrition level of 20% was added. Four hundred and fifty pregnant (450) women were consecutively recruited from the booking antenatal clinic of 6 randomly selected Primary Health centres using the multistage sampling techniques. There are 10 wards and 19 PHC’s in Keffi LGA of Nasarawa state. Using the Simple Random Sampling technique 6 wards were chosen from the 10 wards. A PHC was chosen using the simple random sampling from each ward.

Consecutive Sampling technique was used in each of the PHC’s to select the pregnant women. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect information from the pregnant women following a written consent and subsequently blood samples were taken for malaria parasites. The questionnaire contained information on the women’s socio-demographic and obstetrics status.

The data generated was entered and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Frequency tables and charts were generated for univariate analysis. Pearson Chi –Square test was used to determine the association between qualitative variables and a P-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Ethical clearance was obtained from the ethical committee of the Bingham University Karu and the Keffi Local Government authorities.


450 pregnant women were select for this study out of which 436 women had complete questionnaires and laboratory results. Only 333 women (76.38%) were positive for malaria parasite.

The mean ages fell between 25–29 years. The predominant tribe was Hausa/ Fulani (55.5%) while 58.3 % were housewives. Less than half of the women (43.8%) had secondary level of education while 11.9% of the pregnant women had no formal education. Most of the women test earned less than #2,000 (57.1%). (Table 1)

About one third of the women (31.7%) were in their third and fourth pregnancy. More than 80% of the women booked in their second and third trimester of pregnancy (Table 2).  

Malaria parasitaemia prevalence was 76.38% (n- 333) with the age group 25 – 29 years having the highest prevalence of malaria parasitaemia. Those with secondary level of education and income less than# 2,000 had the highest prevalence of malaria 




Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents


Note: Xis chi square, while p value < 0.005 was considered statistically significant.


Table 2: Obstetric characteristics of the respondents.

imageparasitaemia (Table 1). Gravida one and two and second trimester of pregnancy had the highest prevalence of malaria parasite (Table 3).




Figure 1: Blood film grading of malaria parasitaemia among respondents in percentage


Note: All respondents with positive malaria parasitaemia had Plasmodium falciparum.



Table 3: ITNs possession/use among the pregnant women and malaria parasitaemia.


 There was no statistical significance between the age, the parity (gravidity), level of education, income (Table 1) and use of ITN among respondents and malaria parasitaemia (Table 3).

Only Plasmodium falciparum (100%) was isolated from the women. 29.8% of the respondents had 2 + of malaria parasite. The Mean Parasite Density among the women was 681 parasites /uL of blood which is about 2 + of parasites (Fig 1). 


A high malaria parasitaemia prevalence of 76.38% was found among the Pregnant women in this study signifying a strong evidence of malaria parasitaemia as highly prevalent and hyperendemic in the rural communities of Keffi, North Central Nigeria. This high prevalence rate findings is higher than reports of studies in some North central states of Nigeria 11,12, north western states 10,13-15,Southern part 16,17 and also in some African Countries.18-24 It contrasts sharply with a study done in Lagos among pregnant women booking in the antenatal clinic.25 It however was consistent with study findings in Sokoto 26, Gombe 27, Osogbo 28, and Enugu.29,30

The high prevalence might be due to the high temperature in Keffi and thus high breeding of mosquitoes. This study was also community based in a Public Health centre where many rural dwellers attended. Rural settings from studies have been shown to often favour high rates of parasite multiplication and transmission.31

The age group 25-29yrs had a high malaria parasitaemia rate which was in contrast with most studies that had findings of a younger age group.10,12,14,25,32This age group had the highest number of booking women and this may have affected prevalence rate. Age was however not statistically significant and not associated with the malaria parasitaemia prevalence. 

Second trimester of pregnancy had a high prevalence rate in keeping with some studies.10,14,33,34 The mean parasite density was highest in the second trimester although majority of the pregnant women in this study booked in the second trimester. This is a common practice in Nigeria and Africa at large.35,36 The gestational age at booking was however not significantly associated with the malaria parasitaemia. (x2=2 1.176 P=0.555,), although some studies on malaria burden in pregnancy have reported high prevalence in the first and second trimester.32

Contrary to studies which found higher malaria parasitaemia among primigravidae compared to the multigravida this study found higher parasitaemia among the multigravida and higher mean parasite density with increase gravidity. This could be due to the hyperendemic nature of malaria parasite in this environment and the fact that the primigravidae may have used antimalarials before booking .13However gravidity was not statistically associated with malaria parasitaemia. (x2=2.014 , P=0.57)

Pregnant women with secondary level of education had a high malaria parasitaemia followed by those with primary level of education. This contradicts studies which showed no formal education or low level of education having the highest prevalence rate 30,37but agrees with the study in Lagos14 and Abuja 12. There was no statistical significance between educational level and malaria parasitaemia as found in the Lagos.14 The respondents with primary education had a mean parasite density of 882 parasite/uL compared with women with no formal education who had a mean malaria density of 642 parasites/uL. Those with secondary education however had the lowest mean density of parasites of 583 parasites/uL. The low mean density might be due to the use of anti-malaria drugs before booking. Good knowledge and correct application of knowledge by the women with no formal education might be responsible for the low malaria parasitaemia in pregnancy. Studies have shown that people can acquire good knowledge of malaria irrespective of educational status.38

This study also showed Plasmodium falciparum to be the only malaria specie responsible for malaria in pregnancy. This is consistent with many of the findings in studies in Nigeria 14,17,28,34,39-44and also confirms P. falciparum as the predominant Plasmodium specie in sub-Saharan African.45The mean parasite density in this study was 681 parasite/uL of blood. It shows the hyperendemicity of malaria in this environment and the high risk for malaria infestation.

Women who earned less than #2,000 had malaria parasitaemia prevalence of 57.1%, the highest among the income group which agrees with study findings by Abdalla 46 which found that malaria prevalence was higher among those with lower income compared with those with higher income. It could be due to better education and thus more resources at hand to buy antimalarial drugs and prevent malaria infection.

A study conducted in Southwestern Region of Cameroon 47, found income level to be directly proportional to mean parasite density of malaria. The study attributed the high malaria parasite density and prevalence among the low-income earners in Brazil to poverty level and low socio-economic states of individuals and felt the poor often have little or no access to health services especially in the rural areas. 48 The income of the women was however not associated with the prevalence of malaria which contradicts the study by Nyasa.47


Malaria is hyperendemic in Keffi, North Central Nigeria and found not to be statistically associated with socio-demographic factors like age, gravidity, age at booking, educational level, income, and the use of ITN. Due to complications of malaria in pregnancy on mother and fetus, early booking of mothers is advocated for and continuous health education on the environmental control, proper and adequate use of ITNs and intermittent preventive therapy in pregnancy with Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP).


Conflict of interests

There was no conflict of interest.



My appreciations to the In-charges of all the Primary Health Care Centres in Keffi and their laboratory staff members for their assistance in blood collection.



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