Inflammatory Breast Cancer in Pregnancy: A Case Report Inflammatory Breast Cancer on Pregnancy: a case report Section Case Report


DS Onuminya
OB Folagbade
LE Eze


Breast cancer during pregnancy is rare. Research shows that breast cancer is reported in 1 in every 3,000 pregnancies. Most women are between 32 and 38 years old at diagnosis and most women are able to carry on with their pregnancy. Rarely, some women may need to think about whether to end the pregnancy or might be possible to delay chemotherapy treatment until the pregnancy is 14 weeks and above. Deciding to end pregnancy is a very difficult decision and only the patient can make it. Timely diagnosis of breast cancer especially during booking for antenatal care is important to determine the choices which include termination of pregnancy and delay treatment until the fetus is delivered. The index patient is a 27 year old unbooked primigravida presented via accident and emergency unit of the hospital with 7 weeks history of gradual and progressive painful swelling of the left breast, followed by the right breast. She was admitted and fine needle aspiration biopsy result confirmed stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). She died shortly after the diagnosis of complication of the disease before the commencement of treatment.


Author Biographies

DS Onuminya, a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:5:"SOGON";}

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria


OB Folagbade

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria


LE Eze

Department of Surgery, Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria


How to Cite
Onuminya, D., Folagbade , O., & Eze , L. (2023). Inflammatory Breast Cancer in Pregnancy: A Case Report: Inflammatory Breast Cancer on Pregnancy: a case report. AJFMED, 2(2), 101–103. Retrieved from