Complex Fetal Deformity with Placenta Morbidly Adherent to the Head Sequel to Amniotic Band Sequence in a Live-Term Birth: A Case Report


AE Ukwu
A Akubo
JN Legbo



Amniotic band sequence, ABS, is a disorder of body deformities arising from the presence of amniotic bands that constrict the limbs, the body wall, the viscera, or other parts of the fetus including the head/neck region, and even the placenta. This results in simple or multiple constriction band deformities. Simple deformities are compatible with life and easily surgically correctible while complex deformities often result in abortions, stillbirth, or in live births with severe multiple malformations that die a few hours or few days. We present a very rare case of severe complex or multiple disorders involving the limbs, the body, the viscera, the head/neck region, and the placenta born to a 26-year-old primigravida who attended antenatal care and had an antenatal ultrasound diagnosis of omphalocele, delivered at term and survived several days up to 8 that presented very tasking management difficulties


Author Biographies

AE Ukwu , a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:39:"Usman Danfodio Teaching Hospital Sokoto";}

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Usmanu Danfodiyo Unuversity Teaching Hospital, Sokoto


A Akubo

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Usmanu Danfodiyo Unuversity Teaching Hospital, Sokoto


JN Legbo

Plastic Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto.


How to Cite
Ukwu, E., Akubo , A., & Legbo , J. (2023). Complex Fetal Deformity with Placenta Morbidly Adherent to the Head Sequel to Amniotic Band Sequence in a Live-Term Birth: A Case Report. AJFMED, 2(2), 110–114. Retrieved from