Incidental Finding of Lumbosacral Meningomyelocele During Routine Ultrasound Scan at 28 weeks of Gestation


OY Oni
JA Akinmoladun
OO Oni



Spina bifida is the most common congenital abnormality of the central nervous system with myelomeningocele accounting for approximately 85% of lesions. Myelomeningocele is a devastating malformation associated with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Mid-trimester anomaly ultrasound scan is key to making the diagnosis of the anomaly because of the detailed assessment of the fetal anatomy. However, in experienced hands, the anomaly can be diagnosed during a routine third trimester ultrasound scan.

Timely diagnosis of the anomaly allows for prenatal counseling and informed management choices which includes termination of pregnancy, fetal surgery, or postnatal surgery.  We report a case of myelomeningocele which was incidentally detected in a 22-year-old primigravida woman who came in for a routine obstetric ultrasound scan at 28-week gestation. Patient opted for termination of the pregnancy and the anomaly was confirmed.

Keywords: Meningomyelocele, Neural tube defect, Obstetrics ultrasound



Author Biographies

OY Oni, University College Hospital Ibadan




JA Akinmoladun




OO Oni




How to Cite
Oni, O., Akinmoladun, J., & Oni, O. (2023). Incidental Finding of Lumbosacral Meningomyelocele During Routine Ultrasound Scan at 28 weeks of Gestation. AJFMED, 2(1), 76–80. Retrieved from