Cord Haemoglobin in Newborns and its Correlation with Peak Systolic Velocity of Middle Cerebral Artery in Low-Risk Women at Term CORD BLOOD HAEMOGLOBIN AND PEAK SYSTOLIC VELOCITY OF MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY Section Articles


C Okafor
C Okafor
II Mbachu
IC Obionwu
ME Aronu
CNP Mbachu


Aims and Objectives: This study evaluated the prevalence of cord blood anaemia at birth and the relationship between the peak systolic Volume (PSV) of middle cerebral artery (MCA) and cord blood haemoglobin at birth in low risk term pregnancies.

Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was done between August 2016 and June 2018, involving consenting women with normal singleton pregnancies between 37 completed weeks and 41 weeks gestational age admitted for delivery. Women who met the inclusion criteria and gave consent were recruited and enrolled in the study. All sonographic examinations were performed using a digital colour Doppler ultrasound imaging system (Apogee 1100; Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments Co. Ltd, #77 Jinsha Road, Shantou, Guangdong 515041, China. The middle cerebral artery doppler indices were measured in the absence of maternal and fetal breathing. Three measurements were taken and the average was recorded. Umbilical cord blood haemoglobin was determined using a digital hemoglobin Testing system (Double G; DG 300HB, Double G Industries Ltd. 22315 Seal Valley Lane, Katy Texas, USA). Biosocial variables were collected with a questionnaire. The data was analysed using Stata version 16. The p-value of < 0.05 was taken as significant value.

Result: A total of 115 pregnant women participated in the study. Majority 77(66.96%) were within the age group of 20-34 while 67(58.26%) were multiparous. The mean cord bloodhaemoglobin was 14.59±1.98. The mean age of the women was 30.80±5.65 while the mean PSV was 59.05±20.16. A total of 44/115(38.26%) of the neonates had Hb that was less than 14.00g/dl.  The mean PSV for neonates with HB <14.00g/dl was 60.45±18.37 while it was 58.17±21.27for neonates with Hb> 14.00. This was not statistically significant (p-value=0.28). There was no significant correlation between the PSV and cord blood haemoglobin.

Conclusion: The study did not find any correlation between the PSV of middle cerebral artery and cord blood haemoglobin. Thus, it does not support routine use of PSV of middle cerebral artery in low risk pregnancies for prediction of fetal anaemia.


Author Biographies

C Okafor, Nnamdi Azikiwe university

Radiology Unit, The Light Specialist Hospital & Maternity, Nnewi


C Okafor, Nnamdi Azikiwe university

Obstetrics Unit, The Light Specialist Hospital & Maternity, Nnewi


II Mbachu

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awaka



IC Obionwu

Radiology Unit, The Light Specialist Hospital & Maternity, Nnewi


ME Aronu, Nnamdi Azikiwe university

Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi campus


CNP Mbachu, Nnamdi Azikiwe university

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus



How to Cite
Okafor, C., Okafor, C., Mbachu, I., Obionwu, I., Aronu, M., & Mbachu, C. (2023). Cord Haemoglobin in Newborns and its Correlation with Peak Systolic Velocity of Middle Cerebral Artery in Low-Risk Women at Term: CORD BLOOD HAEMOGLOBIN AND PEAK SYSTOLIC VELOCITY OF MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY. AJFMED, 2(1), 40–45. Retrieved from